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Dante Alighieri Society in Wroclaw is:
2021-25 Project Partner xFORMAL “Informal and Non-Formal E-Learning for Cultural Heritage”, Project Horizon2020: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020 n. 101008184
2021-24 Project Partner HUMCORE “Humanitarian Corridors Integration pathways: fostering better integration opportunities for people in need of protection through strengthened private sponsorship schemes”, project AMIF-2020-AG No. 101038285
2021-23 Associated partner of the international project “iMath: an Intelligent System to Learn Mathematics”. Project nr 2021-1-PT01-KA220-HED-000023288
2021-22 Project Coordinator “Generations in Contact in Intercultural Education”, Project Erasmus+ nNo 2021-1-PL01-KA122-ADU-000019595 
2019-22 Associated partner of the international project “European Arts and Traditions in Italian Language Learning” PASTILLE, Progetto Erasmus+ n. 2019-1-PL01-KA203-065078
2020-21 Project Coordinator “Inclusive Language Education” ILE, Project Erasmus+ No. POWERAE-2020-1-PL01-KA104-079523
2018-21 Associated partner of the international project “Focus on Students with Mathematics Learning Disabilities” SMILD Project Erasmus+ No. 2018-1-IT02-KA201-048274
2018-20 Associated partner of the international project “FICTION – Functional ICT Instruction On the Net”. Project nr 2018-1-SE01-KA201-039098
2018-20 Associated partner of the international project “MathE – To Improve Math Skills in Higher Education”. Project nr 2018-1-PT01-KA203-047361
2017-19 Publisher and associated partner of the international project “Do Well Science”. Project nr 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036780




7-19.09.2024, XXIX International Conference of the Ethno-Anthropological Laboratory, «Il conflitto immaginato. La rappresentazione dello scontro nelle letterature e nelle arti», at the University of Genoa.

17-18.06.2024, 6th International Conference of Neo-Latin Cultures: «Saints, sorceresses and herbalists: the paths of healing through faith, science and popular traditions», at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Wrocław, ulica Więzienna 6, Wrocław.



06.11.2024 r., Panel „Masks” - ZAC 2024 (research project 101139852/09.01.2024, MASKS-ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PI-ALL-INNO) „Variațiile carnavalescului între vârstele timpului și vârstele omului. Avataruri ceremoniale calendaristice și ale ritologiei de trecere / Les variations du carnavalesque entre les âges du temps et les âges de l'homme. Avatars cérémoniaux du calendrier et des rites de passage”, Cluj-Napoca. Organizers: Institutul Arhi-va de Folclor a Academiei Române, Cluj-Napoca, Departament de limbi și Literaturi Clasice, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Unesco Chair. Anthropology of health - biosphere and healing systems, University of Genoa

21-22.10.2024, X University of Zielona Góra Foreign Language Days, Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa „(Nie)pamięć / La memoria e l’oblio / Memory and oblivion”, Organizer: University of Zielona Góra

19-21.06.2024 r., International Conference Italian Symposium on Digital Education on “Lifelong Digital Learning and Education: promoting flexibility, inclusion, critical thinking and international exchange”, jointly organized by SIe-L (Italian Society of e-Learning) and SIREM (Italian Society for Media Education Research), at the University of Pavia

22-24.05.2024, XVII Congress of the International Society for Italian Linguistics and Philology (SILFI) „La formazione linguistica tra passato e presente. Testi e metodi (Language education between past and present. Texts and methods)”, at the University of Turin

16-17.05.2024, XI 11th International Biblical Conference: «The Bible and Biblical Apocrypha in Translation, Interpretation and Tradition», Organizator: Laboratory of the Ancient Near East and Biblical Tradition UWr at the Research Centre of the University of Wrocław situated on Raszkowska Street, 21 in Ostrów Wielkopolski and at the at the UWr Research Centre in the post-evangelical church at Tadeusz Kościuszko Square in Odolanów