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Rita Bencivenga

Gender Equality Plan Communication Strategy

The Gender Equality Plan (GEP) represents an eligibility requirement in Horizon Europe from January 2022. Universities and other public institutions publish the GEP on their websites, as required by the European Union, and many measures are already being implemented.

Although Italian universities and public institutions have had Positive Action Plans (PAP) and Gender Balance Reports (BdG) for several years, the addition of a GEP leads to the adoption of communication strategies typical of European Union funded projects, which are not traditionally part of PAPs and BdGs. Indeed, these documents are often published on the university's website and presented in a public meeting, but they usually do not include a proper communication plan.

Among the requirements set by Horizon Europe is the communication of the GEP, with a lot of flexibility given in the implementation. Below are a number of informal suggestions that may facilitate the creation of a workable communication plan useful for monitoring and evaluation of the GEP.

The GEP is a strategic document that can have a significant impact on the organisation and often initiates innovative actions in different areas. Collaboration between those with knowledge of the overall content of the GEP and the individual actions (often different people) and those with experience in communication management is essential.

ISBN: 978-83-966427-5-2
DOI: 10.53248/SDA642752

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